Paul Piot - Amour, Vacances et Baroque
The Free Design - The Proper Ornaments
Arthur Verocai - Sylvia
Gianni Fallabrino - Sollecitudine
Testbild! - Mareld
Frank Reidy & Eric Allen - Reflections
Brazilian Octupus - Pavene
Gianni Fallabrino - Flash
Peter Deryng - Lullabye
Guglielmo Papararo & Vittorio Montis - Jonosfera
A To Austr - Thumbquake & Earthscrew
Patrice Sciortino - Aqualithes
Hareton Salvanini - Preludio Em Si Bemol Menor
Jacques Thollot - Kanephoros
Frank Reidy & Eric Allen - Sleep Walk
Jonas Fust - Skuggor
Testbild! - The Bathysphere
Total time: 52:12